
Dark chocolate and orange mini trifles
DIEET :Vegetarian, Gluten free (optional, check your brownie recipe)
TIJD :1 hour (plus optional 3 hours of baking time
This is such a great Festive December dessert! Chocolate, orange and warm spices are the perfect combination for dark winter nights. This recipe takes some time but is perfect to prepare ahead and when you have guests over the only thing you need to do is take this pretty trifle out of the fridge!
- A big portion of your favourite brownie recipe
- 500 ml. of double cream (slagroom)
- 400 gr. of crème fraiche
- A couple of oranges
- 150 gr. of dark chocolate
- Pinch of cinnamon and ground cloves
- Pinch of crystal sugar
- Pinch of (Maldon) sea salt
- For the first layer, bake your favourite brownie recipe.
- For the second layer peel an orange, cut in slices and then slice in half (make sure to grate the zest of the orange first and keep for later). Place three of your orange halves in your trifle glass on top of the brownie.
- For the third layer whip your cream, add a pinch of sugar and mix with the crème fraiche.
- Add the mixture to a piping bag (or a plastic bag and cut of a small corner) and pipe the cream mixture until you reach just above the orange slices in the glass.
- For the fourth layer add another slice of brownie and for the fifth layer a small amount of the cream mixture.
- Now the best part, your toppings, melt the dark chocolate au Bain marie and add the zest of an orange and a pinch of cinnamon. Once melted spread the chocolate out over a baking sheet, sprinkle over some Maldon sea salt and let it set for a couple of minutes in the fridge. Once set, break into shards.
- For the dried orange, preheat your oven to 100C. Slice an orange very thin and arrange on a baking sheet. Sprinkle over some sugar, cinnamon and ground cloves and let them dry in the oven for about 3 hours, turning regularly.
- Note: You can make this dessert a couple of hours before serving!

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