
Autumn Squash, Beetroot And Mung Bean Salad
DIEET :Vegetarian, Gluten free
TIJD :45 minutes
Mung beans are a pulse and high in important vitamins such as vitamin B, minerals, protein and fibre. It reduces the risk of chronic diseases and diabetes, it lowers cholesterol and blood pressure and is extremely good for your brain health. But apart from that this salad is just really delicious!
- 1 small butternut squash
- Pinch of chilli flakes
- 4 beetroots
- 250 gr. of dried mung beans
- 2 tsp. of fennel seeds
- 2 tsp. of cumin seeds
- 1 clove of garlic
- 2 tbsp. of white wine vinegar
- 100 gr. of rocket
- Handful of hazelnuts
- Pomegranate seeds
- Feta
- Small bunch of coriander
- Juice of a lemon
- Slice a butternut squash in cubes and drizzle over some olive oil, salt, pepper and chilli flakes, bake in the oven on 220C until ready (around 30 min), do the same with the beetroots.
- Cook 250 grams of mung beans according to the package. When they are almost done heat 50 ml of olive oil and scatter in 2 tsp of fennel seed, 2 tsp of cumin seeds and the chopped garlic in a small pan and fry until the seeds start to pop. Turn off the heat. Drain the mung beans and drizzle over the heated oil, 2 tbsp of white wine vinegar and some salt and pepper.
- Roast the hazelnuts for a couple of minutes in the preheated oven, keep an eye on them.
- Grab a big salad bowl and toss in the squash, beetroot and mung beans along with a few handfuls of rocket, roasted chopped hazelnuts, pomegranate seeds, feta and coriander and drizzle over some olive oil and lemon juice.

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